Fall 2013-dark leaves

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Here and Now

A friend asked me just yesterday how I'm doing.  Really.

And, really, I'm good.  By the precious grace of God, I'm practicing resting in this life he's given me.  There are so many things going on in day-to-day life that I have every reason to feel overwhelmed, but right now I am able to have an objective view of it all and feel God's hand holding me steady as my people and circumstances try to rock my boat.

It certainly has not always been this way, and I know it will likely change again.  But for today, I am thankful for this very real, very secure perspective on where I am.

It all has to do with being tethered to God and not the people and circumstances he brings to me.  I'm able to enjoy those people and the circumstances more (even the difficult ones) as I see them as part of the story He wrote for me before time began.  As I own my adoption as a well-provided for, perfectly loved daughter of The King.  As I grieve and mourn when things aren't supposed to be this way but look past it to the hope that all things will be glorified and made perfect in the new earth.  As I learn to trust God for real.  I mean, really trust him, with all of my life.  As I pursue a deeper, more real relationship with him, the author and perfecter of my faith, which in turn tethers me more closely to him.

It's good stuff.  And I am thankful.

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