Fall 2013-dark leaves

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


OK, this mama has hit a wall. I expected it to come sooner than it has, but as of today I am simply wiped out. Sleepy and bone tired. The kids asked to go to the pool this afternoon, but I feel sure one of them would drown because I can't keep my eyes open. So we put on a movie after VBS today, and in about 13 minutes, at 2pm, I'm putting the little ones down for naps. And I'm going to crawl into bed.

This summer has gotten off to a great start. I am thankful for all the fun things we've been invited and able to do! Tennis and soccer camps, swimteam, swimming for fun at our community pool, playing with friends at their community pool or at the zoo, Shakespeare in the park (Hamlet this year), helping new sem students move in, VBS, swapping babysitting/date nights with friends, and the list goes on. Then there's the bootcamp, which is M, W, F, 5:30-6:30am, and all the advertising and prep time that goes into that. So I'm going to take a nap.

I will say though that this busyness feels more like regular busyness (compared to overwhelming, disfunctional busyness). Like Birmingham busyness used to feel, except that the Lord and I talk about things more now. My heart aches for those who I know don't have a relationship with him. I thirst for His Word differently. I ask for his help in the big and little things. The Spirit brings to mind my friends and their struggles, and I pray differently than ever for you. And for me.

I'm not as afraid to pray for Him to change me as I used to be. I mean, hey, we've already come this far. What am I scared of--that He'll send us to Africa? Well, that certainly would have a different set struggles, but He's there too. Just like I'm learning how He meets me in my struggles here in St. Louis. Just like he meets you in yours, wherever you are.

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