Fall 2013-dark leaves

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cookbook Cleanout

I cleaned out the pantry this week.  Now I'm on to cabinets.  Cookbooks, specifically.  I'm considering sending on some that I haven't looked at in years.  I have my favorite recipes out of them already memorized or copied into my personal cookbook.  But isn't it almost sacreligious for a real Southern Lady to not have a copy of Southern Sideboards in her kitchen?  I'm in a quandry.


  1. Hmm, I don't have Southern Sideboards, but I do have Food for Thought and would feel incomplete without it :-)

  2. We should have a cookbook swap with ladies and get some new recipes from others :)...of course, that might not help with the cleaning out part...

  3. MB, I also have FFT and won't be contributing it to Michelle's cookbook swap. However, I think that's a great idea, Michelle! I'll just donate, how's that?

  4. It's official - I am NOT a real Southern Lady. I don't haveSouthern Sideboards or FFT! AND no copies of Southern Living laying around. I feel . . . shame.

  5. I need to get rid of more than a few of mine, but would love to rummage. I'm in a recipe funk.
